Explore our latest articles and publications, stay informed about upcoming events, and download our comprehensive user manual.
User Manual
This detailed guide provides step-by-step instructions, tips, and best practices to help you navigate and utilize HiveMap’s powerful features.
Upcoming Events
Find us either presenting at or joining the events below!

HiveMap on the Northern Miner Podcast
Join the HiveMap technical and sales team as we discuss the development of this new software.

OCTOBER 8, 2024
Vancouver Structural Geology Club
This monthly Structural Geology Club meet-up includes an intriguing seminar and discussion, as well as food and drinks at a nearby pub afterwards.

OCTOBER 29-30, 2024
MiningTech North America
Engage with industry pioneers, buyers & sellers, stakeholders & partners, CEOs and young professionals together to share knowledge, discuss challenges and fuel innovation in the ever-changing mining industry landscape.

An Introduction to HiveMap: Online Webinar
Stay tuned for more information on this introduction to practical and collaborative mapping workflows.

JANUARY 20-23, 2024
AME Roundup
The mineral exploration and development industry’s premier opportunity to connect, exchange knowledge and inspire and grow viable exploration projects

MARCH 2-5, 2025
Prospectors and Developers Associate of Canada (PDAC) Convention
The annual award winning PDAC Convention in Toronto, Canada brings together up to 30,000 attendees from over 135+ countries for its educational programming, networking events, business opportunities and fun.
Reference Publications
Foundational Data Collection Literature
Important publications that established industry best practices in how geological observations should be collected.
HiveMap Research & Development (Formerly EasyMineXR)
These publications outline previous research and development work the HiveMap team has undertaken in the augmented and virtual reality space for geological mapping. As technology advances, HiveMap will continue to explore opportunities to develop practical applications for these exciting developments and tools in the world of geosciences and mapping.
HiveMap Technical Team Papers
Relevant conference and journal papers published by HiveMap contributors and adopters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Don’t see the answer you’re looking for? Submit a general inquiry on our Contact page.
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